
  • 산상수훈
    종교문화 2024. 9. 29. 06:19

    마태복음 제 5 장

    1   예수께서 무리를 보시고 산에 올라가 앉으시니 제자들이 나아온지라
    2   입을 열어 가르쳐 이르시되
    3   심령이 가난한 자는 복이 있나니 천국이 그들의 것임이요
    4   애통하는 자는 복이 있나니 그들이 위로를 받을 것임이요
    5   온유한 자는 복이 있나니 그들이 땅을 기업으로 받을 것임이요
    6   의에 주리고 목마른 자는 복이 있나니 그들이 배부를 것임이요
    7   긍휼히 여기는 자는 복이 있나니 그들이 긍휼히 여김을 받을 것임이요
    8   마음이 청결한 자는 복이 있나니 그들이 하나님을 볼 것임이요
    9   화평하게 하는 자는 복이 있나니 그들이 하나님의 아들이라 일컬음을 받을 것임이요
    10   의를 위하여 박해를 받은 자는 복이 있나니 천국이 그들의 것임이라

    The crowds who came to hear Jesus were very great. So that everyone could see and hear him he went a little way up the  mountainside.


    This is what he said:

    Blessed are the gentle for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are the merciful for they shall be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart,  for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers,  for they shall be called the children of God. Blessed are those who are humblethose who are just,  those who try to do right,  those who suffer persecution - all of them will be rewarded in the kingdom of Heaven.


    Do not keep your good qualities hidden but let them shine out like a candle lighting up a dark house. When a lamp is

    lit; it is not put under a bowl, but placed where it can brighten the whole room.


    I am not here to destroy the law,  or contradict the words of the prophets. I am here to up hold them,  for it is essential that the law be obeyed.


    You have heard it said you shall not kill. But those who keep  murderous thoughts in their minds are also to blame. You must be able to forgive whoever has made you angry.


    The old law speaks of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a toothbut if someone strikes you on the right cheek it is better to turn the left cheek so that he may strike that too.


    It is easy to love your friends but it is as important to love your enemies also and be kind to those who turn against you. You should never boast of your good deeds but do them secretly. You can not value both God and money.

    When you pray,  do not do so in the open where everyone can see,  but alone in your room. Talk directly to God,  and say what is in your heart .

    Pray using these words: Our Lord who is in Heaven holy is  your name. Your kingdom is coming. We will obey you on Earth as you are obeyed in Heaven. Give us our daily food. Forgive us our sins as we forgive the sins of others. Do not lead us into temptation but save us from evil."


    Do not worry about what you wear or what you eat and drink. The birds in the air do not sow wheat or store it in barns and yet the heavenly Lord feeds them; the lilies of the field do not spin or weaveand yet not even Solomon in all his glory was as magnificent as one of these.


    Do not condemn: as you judge others so will you yourself be judged. Before you criticize the speck of sawdust in anothers eye first remove the plank of wood in your own.


    Ask and it will be given to you; search and you will find.  A void false prophets; beware of the wolf in sheeps clothing.


    Anyone who hears my words and follows them is like the wise one who builds a house upon rock. When the rain coms and the wind blows and the flood waters rise the house will stand firm. But anyone who hears my words and ignores them is like the foolish one who builds a house upon sand.


    When the storm comes and the waters rise the house will fall because the foundations are built only on shifting sand.


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