
  • 인테넷에서 사용되는 약자들
    낙서장 2019. 4. 26. 16:13

    인테넷에서 약자들을 보면 무슨뜻인지 궁금할때가 많이 있습니다.  검색하여 올려놓습니다. 

    맞는 내용인지는 모르겠습니다만 참고 자료는 될듯합니다.  

    AFAIK(as far as I know )

    ADD (address )

    AKA (also known as

    ATP (all the best)

    ASAP(as soon as possible)

    BFF(Best friend forever(

    BFN(Bye for now )

    BTW(By the way)

    BBL (be back later)

    BBN(bye bye now)

    BBS (be back soon)

    BRB (be right back)

    CYA(see you)

    CM (call me)

    CU(see you)

    CID (consider it done)

    IDK (I don't know)

    DL (download)

    EMSG (email message)

    EZ (easy)

    F2T (free to talk)

    FYI (for your information)

    F2F (face to face)

    HAGN(have a good night)

    HBTU(happy birthday to you)

    IC (I see)

    IOW (in other words)

    IMO (in my opinion)

    IOW (in other words )

    JMO (just my opinion)

    KIT (keep in touch)

    LMAO (laughing my ass off)

    LOL (laugh out loud)

    LMK (let me know)

    MOB (mobile)

    MSG (message )

    MTH (month)

    NVM (never mind)

    NP (no problem )

    NC (no comment)

    BYOB (bring your own booze )

    ROFL (rolling off the floor laughing )

    TGIF (thank god it's Friday)

    SOB (stressed out bad)

    GR8 (great)

    TTYL (talk to you later)



    EOD (end of debate)

    COS/CUZ (because)

    N2S (needless to say )

    CUL8R (see you later)

    RSVP(please reply)

    RIP(rest in peace)


    PIN(personal identify number)

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